Service Type | Reason | Refund Policy |
General | Cancellation due to customer's personal reasons | Not refundable |
Services that are explicitly stated to be non-refundable at the time of service request | Not refundable | |
Due to customer's error, service can not be completed | Not refundable | |
Visa | Refund of application fee for GKS scholarship recipients | Refund of the amount after deduct the labor and service fee |
Cannot use the agency service because of the applicant's documents (Expired passports, expired visa holders, and those who have been dealt with illegally by the immigration office, etc.) | Not refundable | |
Based on the current date, if the period of stay is more than 4 months, you cannot apply for the extension service | Not refundable | |
Repeat when applying for immigration and Hirevisa services | Not refundable | |
Only the payment is successful, but other documents are not received | Not refundable | |
If you made a duplicate payment due to your negligence | Not refundable |
Refund Service Fee
There is a 10% service fee for each cancellation request, regardless of the date of cancellation.
When using overseas payment, the KEB(하나) Bank exchange rate standard applies and refunds are made in ** Korean Won.
Refund Period
When a refund have a valid reason, the date of payment shall prevail and a refund can be made when requested within 7 days.
Refund Application Method
It takes a minimum of 2 weeks to 6 weeks to complete the refund process.
Click "Refund Request" → 1:1 Inquiry → Type of your inquiry → Fill out the Refund Request → SUBMIT